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The Western Blue Ridge Baptist Network is a group of churches united in voluntary cooperation, to assist and support each other as we carry out our God given missions.  The Network is a re-envisioning of an older idea, the Baptist Association.  That’s why, although we were birthed out of the old Highland Baptist Association we don’t seek to just be that with a new name.


We have chosen to characterize our mission with one word, FREEDOM.  By that we mean each church is free to participate as it helps them to live out and achieve God’s purpose for their church.  Each letter of FREEDOM stands for a word that expresses the servant purpose of the network.


Fellowship-We are stronger when we stand together.  We seek to share how God is blessings His churches. 

Resource-More can be done with less when we pool resources.  Sharing makes us better stewards of our God given gifts.

Encourage-In this world, being the people of God is no easy task.  However, it is much easier when we lift up one another in prayer, share our experiences and remind each other we are not alone.

Equip-Churches blessed with able teachers multiply that blessing when they help fellow churches develop strong teachers, leaders and ministries.

Develop-Churches are tasked to help believers mature in their faith.  We help each other disciple believers to build spiritually strong well-functioning churches.

Outreach-Our network assists churches to know who the unreached are and how to go about sharing Christ.

Missions-Every church is commissioned by God to take the gospel to all peoples.  We strive to help each other be Great Commission churches.


As a network of churches we are guided by Paul’s instruction in how we relate to each other.


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.  Galatians 5:13


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Western Blue Ridge Baptist Network
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